Monday 8 July 2013

They care! how about you?

Hey sisters! so for spread the word and news about cancer, and about how much people out there actually don't know the symptoms and effect of breast cancer, especially in our young generation, we in Sisterhood pink ribbon did several photoshoot with several beautiful, unique, talented, and already achieve something big in their life and industry, ladies where the young people can look up to.

they are Advina Ratnaningsih, Winny Christy, Drina Ciputra, Filantropi Witoko, Sharlotta Senk, Julia Kotuleva, Katya Talanova, and dr. Monica Harviza. they did this voluntary campaign project because they care and they want to share the news to the young people, boys and girls. how about you?

email us if you want to be featured in our next campaign.

from sister,
to sister.

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