Thursday 21 March 2013

Types of Breast Cancer

these are the Types of Breast Cancers. thank you very much to for the info. we really appreciate it :)

Invasive breast cancers have spread beyond the milk ducts and milk-making glands to other breast tissue. This link will take you to a web site that explains invasive breast cancer.
Read about Paget’s disease of the nipple, a rare form of breast cancer.
Breast cancer recurrence (return) is possible after treatment, and it doesn’t always come back to the breast. This detailed article is all about breast cancer recurrence.
Breast cancer is generally seen in women after menopause. But it can strike much earlier. Learn about breast cancer in young women.
Breast cancer in pregnancy is very rare. But it can happen. Learn how breast cancer in pregnancy is handled.
The vast majority of breast cancer patients are women. But every year, about 1,700 U.S. men get breast cancer. This article has the facts on male breast cancer.
Inflammatory breast cancer is a rare type of breast cancer in which the breast appears swollen and inflamed. It doesn’t always involve a lump. Learn more about inflammatory breast cancer.

From Sister.
To Sister.

for more detail, please click here to go to our source

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